

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 6, 2016

Dreaming cataclysm, frightened man decided to build the ship Noah

The story of Noah ship must save mankind no stranger to everyone. But in reality, if someone tells you wanted to build a ship that Noah actually, you can trust it to do? Dutch engineer Johan Huibers dreamed of 24 years ago this dream and now it has become a reality!
▼ In the "Bible" has written, God called you his people built a "rescue boat" to save the animals on Earth to refugees, human suffering inevitable doom.
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▼ a businessman Johan Huibers and Dutch engineers, as well as Christian believers. 24 years ago he dreamed his country suffered a terrible storm, the entire nation steeped in the deluge. So he had an idea arises, that Noah built the ship!
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His idea was ▼ everyone around opposition but it would take him 13 years to convince his wife, a bank loan is 1 million euros, 9 recruit volunteers. Finally, after 4 years of ship Noah finished.
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▼ Weight weighs 25 million tons ship completely simulated by "Bible", 125 meters long, 20 meters wide and 23 meters tall, bilge was longer than a football field.
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▼ The ship has 5 floors, estimates can accommodate 5000 people not to mention the large compartment used to store animals and objects.
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▼ The fact this is a luxury yacht?
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▼ In the summer of this year, the ship will depart from Noah Netherlands, spent more than 9 thousand kilometers to cross the Atlantic to Brazil. Then it comes from Brazil to China to countries in South America, eventually it will come to San Francisco, San Diego, and Seattle.
Johan Huibers ▼ to say, his desire is to give the children actually witnessed the existence of Noah ship. So he named the ship's itinerary this time is "Journey of hope."
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▼ But this ship is not motorized, so it will need to pull a boat, the boat will not carry animals, but instead it's the only model only.
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▼ In 2004, Johan Huibers has tried to build a ship as small as half the ship is Noah, and leave it moored on the river of the Netherlands.
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Johan Huibers ▼ also established a dedicated budget funds for this project Noah ship. He expects the proceeds from the exhibition will be used to help the poor children in Central and South America. By then the ship Noah will really be able to complete my duty, which is to "save humanity."
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according Daikynguyenvn.com

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