To bring positive effect both physically and mentally, Falun Gong has been subject of more than 800 teachers and students of a secondary school in Indonesia practice.

Falun Gong practitioners are guiding both teacher and pupils 3rd training exercises of Falun Gong. (Photo: Minghui)
The positive impact that Falun Gong brings education in schools around the world have been recorded.
For example, in India, especially in the southern region, nearly 100 schools invited Falun Gong practitioners to guide tens of thousands of students practice this ancient China.
A recent article in the India News dated 05.14.2005 published: "Principal Baireshwara Sri Vidyaniketan, Srinivaspura, Mr. Sriram Reddy has encouraged this practice in his field, he said that the practice was modifications were students in school.
This year we had 100% of the first class standards in the SSLC exam. Currently the students have learned to focus better, " he said. Mr. Reddy, who was taking medication for asthma during the past 40 years now and claims have been cured by practicing Falun Gong.
The article published in the Baltimore Sun dated 07.09.2014 entitled "Immigrants Turn to Falun Gong to Help Kids behave" wrote: "Immigrants come to Falun Gong to teach young children how to behave. Concerned about violence, sexual promiscuity and substance abuse in American culture, [the parents] found that Falun Gong is a way to keep their children alive uprightness and moderation ".
In Indonesia, Falun Gong is not something unfamiliar to the students. In 2012, more than 200 students of the most famous high school in Batam, Batam SMK Bussiness School, has experienced the peaceful energy and lightness that the Falun Gong exercises bring.

2nd exercises (Photo: Minghui)

2nd exercises (Photo: Minghui)

3rd exercises (Photo: Minghui)

5th exercises (Photo: Minghui)
Dozens of teachers, along with more than 800 students of a secondary school of public establishments in Tangerang, Indonesia learned the exercises of Falun Gong on the morning of 09/13/2014. The school principal had known the benefits of this practice and has invited local practitioners came to introduce the exercises at the school.
Before guiding the exercises, a Falun Gong was introduced to the practice and meaning of the movements, together with a few students were performing the exercises illustrated. The practitioner said that Falun Dafa is not only to help improve physical but also help people to better focus and inner peace will become more average.
After practicing the exercises, people were given the questions and share their experiences.Vice principal of the school said she felt a strong energy in her lower abdomen. Many students said they are very excited because now they know how to practice the exercises.
One teacher said she would introduce Falun Dafa and the exercises for her husband, he is also the principal of another school.
Falun Gong was introduced in Indonesia in 1995, and it has quickly spread in this island nation.
Falun Dafa, also called Falun Dafa, or Falun Gong, is a spiritual discipline and physical according to the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.Falun Gong helps improve the moral, health improvement and spiritual enlightenment, a combination of "Cultivating Xinxing & Exercise body" should be called the practice.Falun Gong is a cultivation practice of the Buddha (not the Buddhist). Falun Gong is not religious, not political, maximum consistent with all walks of life, the study is completely voluntary.Falun Gong has been spread in over 140 countries and territories, bringing huge benefits to hundreds of millions of people, but suppressed the inhuman absurdity in China, contrary to the international conventions human rights.
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